Knowing how to add tags in Connect is essential for organizing and managing your contacts effectively. Tags allow you to categorize leads and customers based on specific criteria, making it easier to segment your audience.

This capability enhances your ability to tailor marketing campaigns and communication strategies to different groups. By efficiently using tags, you can streamline your workflow and improve the precision of your targeting efforts.

Ultimately, mastering this feature helps optimize your customer relationship management and boosts overall business performance.

Step 1

There are two ways to add tags in leads. First is through the opportunities. Go to Opportunities, click the opportunity, then using the dropdown, select the tag you want to add.

You can also create a tag from here. Simply type the tag name.

 How to Add Tags

How to Add Tags

Step 2

Second is through the contacts. Go to Contacts, mark the contacts you want to add tag, you can choose multiple contacts. Then click the tag icon and choose from the dropdown. Add a simple explanation why you want to add the tag and you're good.

How to Add Tags

How to Add Tags

You can also create a tag from here. Simply type the tag name.

How to Add Tags